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Our uniform is designed to be smart and cost effective. We expect every child to attend school in uniform every day. Please ensure you clearly label all items of uniform.

Boys uniform - A blue sweatshirt/jumper preferably with the school badge, a white/light blue polo shirt which also may have the school badge on, grey or black trousers/shorts, socks: plain socks or tights,  black shoes.

Girls uniform - A blue sweatshirt/jumper preferably with the school badge, a white/light blue polo shirt which also may have the school badge on, grey or black trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore, socks: plain socks or tights,  black shoes, blue checked summer dressed for during the warmer months. 

P.E Kit - White t-shirt, long enough to tuck into shorts, plain black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms, trainers for outdoor PE.

We encourage all children to have a school book bag and a water bottle.


You can order directly from School Trends using the link provided below.


Correct PE kit
Correct PE kit
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