Personal, Social, Health Education - Relationships and Sex Education
Developing the whole child is at the core of life at St. Theresa's. All schools now have a statutory requirement to teach Relationships and Health and Sex Education. As a family of Catholic schools, we have worked closely to choose the best resources that support the unique faith character of our schools whilst ensuring that our pupils receive the best possible education. Following consulation with parents in January 2021 and consultation with governors and staff, we have subscribed to Ten:Ten Life to the Full. This program meets the statutory requirements set out by the DFE whilst supporting our Catholic ethos. In conjuction with this, we use the PSHE association (2017) document to identify non-statutory aspects of PSHE. These relate to living in the wider world which are taught in the most appropriate year groups. Development of this subject continues, working alongside other Catholic schools. For more information, parents can access the Ten:Ten resources by using the details below.
To read the full policy, click here.

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